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Double Chooz Web Coordinators

This site has been put together upon the kind and voluntary effort of three Double Chooz experiment members: physicists and not web-designers. Within this effort we were...

...directed and motivated by Michel Obolensky (Coordinator of DCWEB) without whom this site would have simply not existed.

...delighted by the artistic style of Guillaume Mention (web-design and web-engine support), whose effort accounts for essentially everything you "see" in this site.

...technically supported by Anatael Cabrera (web-framework support), whose contributions comes down to everything you "do not see" in this site... while this does not mean he did not work!

We have designed the site such that it can be filled and maintained by all the Double Chooz members from now onwards. There is no site maintainer per se. Copious and detailed documentation have been provided from the birth of dcweb for every collaborator to be able to publish their contributions.

The web-coordination team welcomes any suggestion/comment/question you might have.

Michel, Guillaume & Anatael

Paris, 2006